TV Series High School Elite Uniform Blazer
In the complex and twisted world of the wealthy, Netflix series Elite has drawn viewers from around the globe thanks to its intensely suspenseful plot. Set in the lives of wealthy high schoolers and their jealousy, disgust and schemes when three people from poor background are gifted an admission in their school, a drama ensues when one of the wealthy lead’s get murdered and a whole web of deceit and betrayal enfolds in the lives of these high schoolers and everyone involving them.
Elite touches on various sensitive topics like friendships, difference in religion in an excellent manner, from story writing, fashion, cinematography everything is up to the mark in this high school teen drama making it popular among teens of this generation.
Mostly filmed at school, the uniform sported in the series is as iconic and memorable as it can be. Everyone who is into pop culture can easily identify that the attire belongs to the one school in this tv show. Inspired by which this iconic Elite High School Uniform is always in high demand from the fans of Elite. Crafted from quality suiting fabric that exudes luxury the Elite Carla School Blazer is Available in both blue and gray versions, now all fans can choose the uniform they find best.
A well-fitted blazer can easily elevate outfits within minute, fortunately this blazer is available in all sizes with free shipping worldwide. Features a front buttoned closure, contrasting striped lapel collar, functional pockets and a logo on its top front. Worn by Carla, Guzman, Samuel and all the other main characters from the show, this elite blazer is a must have for all those individuals who loved the fashion in this iconic show.
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