The Orville Ed Mercer Jacket
The popular sitcom series “The Orville” stars Seth MacFarlane as a Captain Ed Mercer, and this “Orville Ed Mercer jacket” pays a homage to him. Made from premium cotton, this jacket has a distinctive pattern that was influenced by Captain Ed Mercer’s outfit. The USS Orville jacket’s neck and shoulders are made up of gray, which enhances its eye-catching black and blue color scheme. Other color combinations, such as black and orange, black and green, and black and red, are also offered.
The Captain Ed Mercer jacket fits perfectly on everyone because this jacket is available in All sizes ranging from XS to XXXXXL for both men and women. You may easily get your hands on this fashionable and cozy jacket with free worldwide shipping.
Q1: Is there a character from a TV show that inspired this “The Orville Ed Mercer Jacket”?
Yes, Captain Ed Mercer from “Orville” by Seth MacFarlane served as the inspiration for this jacket.
Q2: What kind of material is used to make this “The Orville Ed Mercer Jacket”?
The cotton used to make this The Orville Ed Mercer jacket is quite good.
Q3: What sizes are available for this “Orville Ed Mercer jacket”?
We provide this “Orville Ed Mercer jacket” in every size ranging from XS to XXXXXL.
Q4: Is there a range of colors available for this jacket?
Indeed, there are a number of color options for this jacket, such as black and orange, black and green, and black and red.
Q5: Is there free worldwide delivery available for this “The Orville Blue Jacket”?
Yes, free worldwide shipping is included with this jacket
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